english deutsch svenska




autSocial e.V.
Nernstweg 32-34
22765 Hamburg

data privacy statement

This statement of data privacy tells you about the amount and the purposes of our processing of personal data within our online presence as well as related social media profiles. In regard of the used terms as "processing" or "responsible" we refer to the definitions of the general data protection regulation (GDPR) article 4.


Hajo Seng, c/o autSocial e.V.
Nernstweg 32-34
22765 Hamburg

your rights for information, correction and deletion of your data

If required we give you a copy of all our saved personal data about you. You can request us to correct false data. We will as well delete your data if required unless it will break the law or is otherwise not feasable.

If you have questions concerning privacy protection or data processing you can contact us. If you assume a break of the law in regard of your personal data you can get further informations and support here: https://www.bfdi.bund.de/DE/Infothek/Anschriften_Links/anschriften_links-node.html.

By accessing these websides your browser automatically sends data about the required ressource, the ip adress of the requiring node and as the cae may be more specific data from earlier requests (cookies, referers, form data and alike). Parts of this data will be logged automatically to ensure the technical service. These data will be only analysed manually and deleted regularly. Where required these data are handed out to our hosting service provider.

we want to avoid lawsuits

In the case of asserting claims of any kind from copyright, competition law and trademark matters, we ask to avoid unnecessary litigation, warnings and costs to contact us immediately. If claims of the above-mentioned type are made, we hereby declare a remedy before a final legally binding clarification by which a possible risk of repetition is bindingly excluded. A still attending cost note of a lawyer's warning without prior contact would then be rejected because of non-compliance with a loss mitigation obligation. In this sense, unnecessary or unjustified warnings and follow-up would be answered with a negative declaratory action. The EU Commission provides a platform for out-of-court settlement: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.